Friday, May 6, 2011

DAY 1 (26.04), START

Today we had our first session at EDHEC Business School. The reception was very kind, ‎and our professor Charles Lumbers seemed like a real professional and I was ‎immediately convinced that we were in good hands.‎

On the first session we went through how to create new market space, how to make a ‎good business plan and strategic pricing. I think the lesson was very inspiring and I got ‎much about it reflecting on our business plan.‎

The most useful tool presented on the lesson was the Buyer Utility Map, which clearly ‎shows on a simple map what the buyers are assuming to get from you.‎

The main idea of making successful business is to make yourself sustainable ‎competitive advantage.‎


Today we had the morning session with Charles Lumbers and the session was about ‎business models and how to use them effectively. A company’s business model is the ‎story of the company. It can been said that the business model is the core business ‎which you make money with.‎
Other key words of the day:‎

‎-‎ Single / multiple streams (one / many products or services you receive your ‎revenue from)‎
‎-‎ Loss leader (you attract people to your store with cheap products to get people to ‎buy your other, more expensive products)‎

In the afternoon we had a guest lecturer from University of Cambridge, Charles Hamp-‎den-Turner. The professor told us about dilemmas, paradoxes and strategy. I think the ‎strategy part of the presentation was very good, because Michael Porters theories pre-‎sented with help of examples is always interesting.‎

Ps. Growth must be financed!‎


In the morning we had the same lecturer as yesterday, Charles H-T. He told us three ‎really interesting examples of successful entrepreneurs: Richard Branson, Anita ‎Roddick and Gordon Edge.‎

Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Company. Richard has got incredible skills to ‎run companies successfully. Charles came up four points that account for Branson’s ‎success:‎

‎-‎ Always keep your sense of humor
‎-‎ Position yourself as an underdog
‎-‎ Success lies in the primary group “small is beautiful” as is the human FAMILY
‎-‎ Employees come first, customers come second, owners come last, not in ‎importance but in TIME.‎

In the afternoon we had another guest lecturer, Michael Rogosin who told us about dis-‎ruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation means a low-end product that is so ‎innovative that it changes the way to behave on the market. Other key words of the ‎session were: revolutionary innovation, sustaining innovation, mass customization, ‎mass collaboration, open innovation and customer experience.‎


On the morning session Charles Lumbers did tell us about some more business models ‎and about different attributes of entrepreneurs. We went through business models ‎like: open business model (make money by collaborating with people) and free as a ‎business model (the product itself is free, but you earn money with for example ‎marketing, example Metro).‎

Main attributes for an entrepreneur:‎
‎1)‎ Be specific
‎2)‎ Keep It Simple
‎3)‎ Copy Somebody (you can copy a business model which is stated profitable)‎

In the afternoon we had some lectures about patents and trademarks, which I think ‎was really interesting, although the examples were not that suitable for Finnish ‎entrepreneurs. After the break we had a round table discussion about patents, and ‎there came up interesting questions about technical solutions and how to protect ‎them.‎

The most interesting question was about trademarks regarding to Internet pages. If a ‎company has trademark registered to its Internet page (for example ABC) but it ‎doesn’t operate or offer customer service in your country you’re free to register the ‎same trademark in your own country.‎


As I think of the whole 4/5 day camp we spent in Nice, I’m very happy to tell you that ‎the camp was a real success. Personally I’ve learned a lot of theories associating with ‎entrepreneurship, but the best part of the camp was the mentoring part. It ‎encouraged a lot towards entrepreneurship and while thinking of my own business plan ‎I think this was a necessary course for me to attend. I’m very happy about I attended ‎this course and that I was so lucky to get selected to it.‎

Thank you for arranging this wonderful camp and hopefully it will be arranged in the ‎future too!‎

By Heikki Hämäläinen

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