Sunday, May 1, 2011


The reason of this trip was to develop our business idea and deep our entrepreneur ‎knowledge. We arrived to Nicé one day earlier because we wanted to get to know Nice ‎and Monaco. Both cities are very beautiful places. In two days we walked maybe 30 ‎kilometers but it was really nice to see beautiful beach and fancy cars in Monaco. But ‎as I said the main idea was to study and think the business idea further.‎


I was little bit nervous on the first day because I did not have the preliminary material. First day's program included ‎pricing, how to create business plan. The fact that mister Charles Lumber lectures us was pretty much ‎already learned fact so those business terms and things just remind to my head and I ‎started to connect them to our business plan. If you really want to know the most ‎important thing in the lecture, it was CFIMITYM. Cash Flow Is More Important Thing ‎Than Your Mother. ‎


I discovered that yesterday´s lecture was really hard because I was really tired. ‎Tuesdays evening went on doing business plan and I ‎was really tired. The second day's schedule was also busy. ‎

Afternoons lecture were really interesting. Charles Lumbers told us about business models and ‎strategy things. I learned that strategy decisions are very important because they rolls ‎the business forward and hopefully in right direction. We deal in lecture few examples ‎of strategy decisions that big companies have done. Those examples were bad and ‎good decisions. Good decisions made money to the company and bad decisions were ‎disasters. ‎

In the evening Mr Charles Hamden-Turner from University of Cambridge lectured us ‎things like what kind of human types exist and how they effects when you create a ‎business plan.


Day three was guest lecturer’s day. At first Charles Hamden-Turner told us stories of ‎Anita Roddick, Richard Branson and Gordon Edge. Charles told us stories of those three ‎successful business man and women. Those examples were really interesting and they ‎inspired really to create a really good business idea which flows us to success.‎

At afternoon Mr. Michael Rogosin lectured us about innovation. I believe that the meaning of this lecture was to ‎inspirited people to entrepreneurship. ‎


Charles Lumbers lectured us about dialogue between theory and practice. The most ‎important thing that I learned was to get known with a leaders guide map. The map ‎shows how you have to respond to your workplace in every situation. There are 4 ‎different situations in workplace and you have to deal them all. First category is ‎simple, second complicated, third complex and fourth is chaotic. If you are a manager ‎in your team you have to know what and how you have to do to make things better. ‎

Afternoons lecture went with patents and trademarks. I don´t remember the names of ‎afternoons visitors, but Charles Lumbers daughter was the other one and the other one ‎was a layer from Netherlands. They told us about those patents and trademarks and ‎then people were able to ask questions from them.


The trip to Nicé was successful and a experience that I won´t forget. Lectures were ‎brilliant and my inspiration raised again to new level. It was really shame that we ‎thought that in Saturday there won’t be anything necessary. That’s why we booked ‎flight to morning because it was much cheaper. I want to thank you Anna for ‎successful trip and I hope that in future there will be also successful trips to Nicé.‎

By Olli

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